Hard things
Hello friends! As I woke up this morning, I was doing my normal routine of getting the kids breakfast, deciding my workout and planning what things I needed to do for the day. The previous evening I had been talking with a friend about some of her fears. As I began going through the motions of my morning this conversation continued to resurface in my head. She will be traveling to another country for a mission trip and while she feels called to go she is fearful. I started reflecting on past experiences in my life when I felt afraid. Have you ever been afraid? I remember moments when I was so afraid that I was trembling inside and sometimes even on the outside. The thoughts of doubt, the feelings that surely there is someone more qualified, how could I possibly be enough. Does this sound familiar? Having walked through those moments and come out alive I am here to let you know that you are enough. In fact, you are exactly the person that is made for whatever your obstacle may be. Whether it’s presenting at work, sharing a new idea with your boss, trying to have a hard conversation with a loved one, giving your first presentation, the list could go on; but YOU are the perfect person for the job. The devil is prowling around and he seeks to kill and destroy especially in the midst of near victory. I encourage you if you are living in fear of something, know that you are not alone. You have a God that will fight for you and you have support here at Goodness and Graces.
In Exodus, I remember when Moses was freeing the Israelites from Egypt. He had an entire Egyptian army chasing after him and his people. What a responsibility! I have to believe that he had moments of intense fear. In fact, in Exodus 14:13-14 Moses is encouraging the Israelites who are scared. He tells them not to be afraid but to stand firm and the Lord will fight for you. But the next verse Exodus 14:15 the Lord says to Moses “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the Israelites to move on.” This verse implies that Moses had a moment of fear or concern enough that he cried out to the Lord. He, the man God had chosen to fear a people group, a person that you would assume had no struggle with self-confidence, is crying out to the Lord. I believe this is no coincidence. I know that the things we are asked to do are usually hard. A mentor in medicine once told me that anything worth doing isn’t easy. It is in this struggle that we have to rely on something to help us. That something for me is God as I rely on Him in these moments, he will work through me and before I know it the thing, I was so afraid of has passed or no longer has control over me.
It’s interesting as a woman our nurturing side often feels obligated to be positive. We put so much pressure on ourselves to paint the picture of perfection to turn right around and go to the bathroom or our cars or some other place to secretly scream or cry. Friends, I want you to know that is ok. Moses did this, Jesus did this in the Garden of Gethsemane before he was crucified, and it is human nature to do this. But don’t stay in that place. Don’t let that fear consume you. Push on through the obstacle. Know that you were chosen for this obstacle and continue to be faithful and do what God has called you to do. You will be surprised by how full your soul becomes when you do and how fear will lose its grip on you. If you have a story to share or a prayer request I would love to hear it and connect with you. Please click on the link to email me below with any comments or stories. I can also subscribe to my page if you would like to share this journey with me.